2024 5th International Symposium on Computer Engineering and Intelligent Communications

Keynote Speakers


Prof. Jiangzhou Wang 

University of KentU.K(Fellow of the IEEE)

Jiangzhou Wang (Fellow, IEEE) is currently a Professor with the University of Kent, U.K. His research interests include mobile communications. He has published over 400 papers and four books. He was a recipient of the 2022 IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize and IEEE Globecom2012 Best Paper Award. He was the Technical Program Chair of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2019), Shanghai, the Executive Chair of the IEEE ICC2015, London, and the Technical Program Chair of the IEEE WCNC2013. From 1998 to 2013, he was an Editor for a number of international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Communications. He is a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, U.K., and IET.

主讲Prof. Zibin Zheng .jpg

Prof. Zibin Zheng 

Sun Yat-sen University, China(Fellow of the IEEE)

Zibin Zheng, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Vice Dean of School of Software Engineering, IEEE, IET fellow, his research interests include mobile internet, big data mining, software services, machine learning, blockchain. He has published one English academic monograph by Springer, more than 200 papers, including 2 ESI highly cited papers, 26 ACM/IEEE Transactions papers, 2 best paper awards in CCF Class A and Class B international academic conferences, 2 best paper award nominations, and more than 11,400 citations in Google Scholar, with an H-Index of 50, and has received the following awards National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Outstanding Youth Science Foundation, Guangdong Province Young Pearl River Scholars, Guangzhou City Pearl River Rising Stars in Science and Technology, ACM China Rising Star Nominee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Young Scholars Thesis Award (one of the three winners), The Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Engineering Distinguished Doctoral Thesis Award (the only winner), the top flagship conference of the software engineering field, the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, ICWS Best Student Paper Award, etc. He has served as Associate Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Services Computing and as an editorial board member of several international journals, as a member of Collaborative Research Group, and as a member of the editorial board of Collaborative Research Group, and as a member of the editorial board of Collaborative Research Group. He has served as Associate Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Services Computing and Editorial Board Member of many international journals, CollaborateCom'16 General Co-Chair, ICIOT'18 PC-Co Chair, IoV'14 PC Co-Chair, IEEE Bigdata Congress'14 Shenzhen Session Program Committee Chair, IEEE ICWS'16 General Co-Chair, IEEE ICWS'18 PC Co-Chair, and IEEE ICWS'18 PC Co-Chair. Chair, IEEE ICWS'14 Publicity Chair, Middleware'13 Demo & Poster Chair, and program committee member of many famous international academic conferences, and the first chair of ICWS China Young Scientist Forum.


Prof. Zhiwu Li, Xidian University, China (IEEE Fellow)

Zhiwu Li received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology (XUET) in 1989, 1992 and 1995, respectively. He is currently a professor at Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology. His main research areas include intelligent manufacturing, production control and automation. He has published three monographs in English in Springer-Verlag (2009; 2023), and CRC Press (2013), a division of Taylor Francis Publishing Group, and has been selected as one of the Thomson Reuters-Clarivate Global Best Practitioners for five consecutive years from 2014 to 2018. He was selected as a Humboldt Scholar by Thomson Reuters-Clarivate Global Highly Cited Scientists for five consecutive years from 2014 to 2018, was selected as a Humboldt Scholar by the Alexander Humboldt Foundation in 2008, and was elected as a Fellow of the IEEE for 2016 in 2015, and was the first one to put forward the theory of basic beacons of Petri nets in the international arena, and his research achievements have been supported by renowned industrial organisations (including IBM, Volvo, HP, GE, GM, and others), HP, GE, GM, ABB, Ford Car, MITSUBSHI, Huawei, etc.).


Prof. Xinguo Yu, Central China Normal University, China (IEEE Senior Member)

Professor and PhD supervisor, National Engineering and Technology Research Centre for Digital Learning, Central China Normal University, and Director of Woolongong Joint Research Institute of Huashi. He has long been engaged in research on video analysis, computer vision, human-computer interaction, multimedia technology, etc. His research results have been widely cited by experts at home and abroad, for example, one of them has been cited more than 160 times. Now he has published more than 80 papers in authoritative magazines and well-known international conferences at home and abroad, including more than 40 papers with first author. He has obtained seven international patents and two domestic patents. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and ACM, and is a member of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactionson Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Computer Processing, and IEEE Transactions on Computer Science and Technology. on Image Processing, Computer Vision and ImageUnderstanding, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Pattern Recognition Letters, Pattern Recognition Letters. He has served as a member of the programme committees of several international conferences.

Main research interests: image and video processing and analysis, video event detection, educational human-computer interaction, intelligent educational system, automatic solution, educational robotics, intelligent education. 


Prof. Zhi Li Guangxi Normal University

Prof. Zhi Li is a distinguished member of China Computer Federation (CCF), standing committee member of its Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE), and a member of its Technical Council on Systems Software and Formal Methods. He graduated with a BSc degree from Fudan University in 1991, an MSc degree from the University of York in 2004, and a PhD degree from The Open University in 2008. Prof. Li had spent over 10 years doing professional and technical work before he entered academia in 2001, with subsequent 9 years in the UK. His research interests are modeling, verifying, testing and validating Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) or Internet of Things (IoT) systems based on Problem Frames, and Human-Computer Interaction. His research has been sponsored by 2 grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and 4 grants from Ministry of Education of China, Guangxi Natural Science Foundation, and Guangxi Scientific Research & Technological Development. He has published over 50 research papers (including 3 CCF-A papers and 3 best papers). He has given over 10 invited talks at academic conferences.